• Gathering Music

    We recognize that some of you may have had a crazy week and need some space or quiet time. So, 5-10 minutes prior to the service, we will play some music that you can enjoy while you take a break and meditate.

  • Words of Welcome

    During this time, our worship leader will offer a greeting, introduce special guests, or provide important information for the service. Ultimately, we want to show how much we appreciate you joining us today despite your busy schedule.​

  • Passing The Peace

    Passing of the peace is a fun time to meet and greet each other. However, it also serves as a reminder of the peace that we have with God and the peace that we have with each other due to Jesus’ sacrifice. Please take this time to greet one another at church and online!

  • Song of Centering

    In the same way that we get ready for a date, it is important for us to get ready to hear God’s Word. During the song of centering, we try to lay aside our busy lives, worries, and distractions in order to focus on God. Please feel free to meditate, close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, or sing along.

  • Children’s Time

    At UJCC, we value young families and children. So, we try to make short, fun, educational videos or skits in order to be more inclusive of our younger audience. Feel free to enjoy this material with your kids and talk about it later too!

  • Message

    We believe God still speaks to us today through the Bible, people, and many other sources as well. We will listen to Jonah Wong during this time and try to discern what God is trying to tell us through his message. Feel free to listen, take notes, or meditate on something that stuck out to you. The Bible passage will be projected for you to read.

  • Song of Reflection

    It is our responsibility to respond to God’s message. So, the song after the sermon gives us a little more time to digest God’s message and think about how we can respond appropriately. So, feel free to meditate on the message, pray, or simply enjoy the music.

  • Joys & Concerns

    We believe God hears and answers our prayers. Not only that, but we believe in praying together so that we can encourage and support those going through difficult times, or celebrate our many blessings.  If you have any prayer requests, feel free to raise your hand until you are called upon. After each prayer request, we will say “O God of mercy” and everyone responds, “This is our prayer.” Finally, once all the prayer requests have been heard, we will close with a final prayer followed by the Lord’s prayer. If you do not know the Lord’s prayer, it will be up on the slideshow for you.

  • Doxology

    Doxology is an expression of praise to God. During this time, we sing a short hymn in both English and Japanese. The words will be projected on the screen for you to follow along.

  • Announcements

    The announcements provide opportunities for us to put our faith into action throughout the week. Please try to see if anything interests you or challenge yourself to try something new. Volunteering is a great way to bless others, but we are often blessed ourselves in the process. You can view all the announcements on www.ujcclife.com/events

  • Song of Sending Forth

    The song of sending forth prepares our hearts to go back out into the world. You can use this song as a final opportunity to decide how to respond to the message, pray for God’s guidance, or simply enjoy the music by humming along.​

  • Final Blessing

    It is a short prayer said in order to bless everyone as we get ready to go back out into the world. Feel free to close your eyes and receive the blessing so that you may be strengthened and encouraged.

  • Postlude

    This is the final ending song for the worship service. Once the song is finished, feel free to talk to someone new, attend our small group, or make your way safely back home.